From the Executive Director: Add Us to Your January Calendar

I’m just back from a road trip north from Florida, and in some areas the leaves have changed and in other areas it hasn’t. Fall always signals for me that another year is closing. But also it becomes time to look ahead and the opportunities that we have to ensure that individuals with disabilities have access and are included in the game of golf.

Some of those opportunities include education and training. The  Alliance will be at the PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando, FL, in January. We are currently finalizing our plans and should have the details uploaded to shortly with registration information. If you are attending the PGA Show, make sure you sign up for the National Alliance for Accessible Golf Education Conference on January 23, 2019.  It will be a half-day session with topics such as accessibility and inclusion at your golf facility or program, best practices for programs serving individuals with disabilities, and best practices to ensure sustainability of your program. Continuing Education hours/credits will be available for registrants who require them for their organization membership.

In addition, the Alliance will be at the Golf Industry Show and National Golf Course Owners of America (NGCOA) Conference in February in San Diego, CA.

While education and training is one of our organization’s strategic pillars, we also want to remind you that the Alliance has a grant program funded by the United States Golf Association. The grants that are awarded are for programs that are developing individuals with disabilities through the game of golf. For more information, visit and click on the “Grants” tab for criteria, grant application process, etc.

Finally, Tuesday, November 27 is #GivingTuesday. As we approach the end of the year, many of us look at ways we can support various non-profits with a charitable gift. While the National Alliance does receive support from the major allied associations of golf, we are reliant on support from individuals as well so we can ensure our mission to increase awareness and participation in the game of golf by individuals with disabilities.  Consider the Alliance in your charitable giving this year. You can make a donation by going to our website at and click on the “Donate” button in the top right of our homepage.  Your support will make a difference.

Until next month, “Choose to Include.”

Steve Jubb, PGA – Executive Director


About National Alliance for Accessible Golf
Dave Barton, PGA is the Executive Director for the National Alliance for Accessible Golf. The National Alliance for Accessible Golf is a coalition of recreational, therapeutic, and golf organizations committed to the inclusion of people with disabilities through the game of golf.

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